Today I begin a brand new blog! The purpose of this site is to offer encouragement and direction along the trail, the spiritual trail that is. God's Word has so much to say about the paths we choose, what they should and should not look like, how to navigate those paths wisely, and how to experience joy regardless of the difficulty rating.
I love to hike and backpack, so I'll be using hiking metaphors a lot on this blog. I've learned so many spiritual truths while deep in the woods or navigating steep inclines or bedding down in a trail shelter on a rainy night or looking into a vast expanse of mountain ridges.
I've learned it's worth the effort and sweat to stay on the path less chosen in order to see the glories at the top of the summit. I've learned there are secret places and hidden vistas that only the bravehearted and determined get to experience. And I've learned that navigating the trail is much more enjoyable and doable with a friend at your side.
Please join me on the trails. We'll encourage each other as we stay off the beaten paths and stick to the ones less traveled.