Happy Trails!

Happy Anniversary to my husband James, the guy I've been walking side by side with for 22 years. Our path has been difficult at times, but always joyful and very adventurous. There's not another man on God's green earth I'd rather go through life with (no offense to my male friends).

James has always provided well for his family, fulfilled his calling, and walked with God. He is a great father, a solid pastor, a loyal friend, and a very patient husband. He is good to me beyond anything I deserve and has shown me on a daily basis what it means to walk humbly with God. He is one of those rare individuals in whom you can literally see God working and moving in tangible ways. His favorite thing in all the world is not college football (though he spends hours and hours watching it), not preaching (though he definitely looks forward to Sunday mornings more than any other time of the week), not running or hiking (though he does both consistently and passionately), but simply telling someone face to face about his Jesus and praying with them as they accept Him as their Lord and Savior. James is wild about winning people to the Lord.

I'll be taking the next couple of days off from blogging as we go away for a quick trip to celebrate our anniversary. Take care and check back in with me in a few days, blogger friends. You mean so much to me and encourage me so.

I love you James!