Beware the Drama Queen...or King

Some people just have a flair for putting on a show.

And a whole lot of other people just love a good show.

As long as the show is on the stage or the silver screen, the two go together nicely.

But when the show is in the kitchen, in the boardroom, during the committee meeting, at a restaurant, in a conference, in the classroom, at church or anywhere else where no one has paid to see a performance, we have a problem.

The problem is that, like I said earlier, some people have a flair for putting on a show...even when they're off script.

And a whole lot of other people still love a good show, even when said performer has taken the show on the road to all the wrong places.

What's the problem with that, you might ask? The problem is that "a whole lot of people" still respond to the drama queen's performance as though she had just executed a finely crafted piece of art. They bow down with respect. They sing her praises. They "pay" whatever she's demanded: homage, respect, money, obedience, compliance, you name it. She gets that for which she put on such a persuasive show.

Or he does. I've known a lot of drama queens. But I've known a few drama kings too. I've noticed that drama queens tend to be, well, more dramatic. Outwardly so. While drama kings tend to be a little more...regal, if you will. Their air of dignity, distinction, and wisdom is what plays to their gullible audience. But it's a show all the same.

Wonder where I'm going with this biblically? I am supposed to be walking through the Bible after all. Well, take a front row seat and enjoy the show.

They led Jesus away to the high priest; 
and all the chief priests and the elders 
and the scribes gathered together. 

(The scene is set!)
Peter had followed Him at a distance,  
right into the courtyard of the high priest; 
and he was sitting with the officers 
and warming himself at the fire. 

Now the chief priests and the whole Council 
kept trying to obtain testimony against Jesus 
to put Him to death, 
and they were not finding any. 

(This is the point when drama tends to ensue.
There really is none, so some is created.)
 For many were giving false testimony against Him, 
but their testimony was not consistent.
Some stood up and began to give 
false testimony against Him, 
saying, "We heard Him say, 
'I will destroy this temple made with hands, 
and in three days I will build 
another made without hands.'"

Not even in this respect was 
their testimony consistent. 

(Better turn up the drama; 
the scene is not going according to plan!)

(Enter the "drama king!")

The high priest stood up and came forward 
and questioned Jesus, saying, "Do You not answer? 
What is it that these men 
are testifying against You?" 

(Jesus, on the other hand, is no drama king!
He keeps it real. Take note.)

But He kept silent and did not answer 
Again the high priest was questioning Him, 
and saying to Him, 
"Are You the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?"
And Jesus said, "I am; and you shall see  

(Here comes the dramatic climax!
I've added some italics just so you'll not miss it.)
Tearing his clothes, the high priest said, 
"What further need do we have of witnesses?
"You have heard the blasphemy
how does it seem to you?" 

(And here's the response from the gullible audience.)
And they all condemned Him to be deserving of death.
Some began to spit at Him, 
and to blindfold Him, 
and to beat Him with their fists, 
and to say to Him, "Prophesy!" 
And the officers received Him with slaps in the face. 

(Mark 14:53-65)
Just because someone can put on a persuasive show doesn't mean they deserve our applause. In fact, shame on us for even giving them our attention.

"But, Kay, I haven't applauded the drama royalty in my life. In fact, I cringe at their dramatic performances."

But do you respond in other ways? You may not congratulate them on a magical performance, but do you pay them homage in other ways?

We all do at times.

Drama queens and kings, whatever their styles may be, can be pretty persuasive performers. Whether they rip their clothes and yell dramatically, as the high priest did in the real life drama from Mark 14, or they zip their lips and give you the silent treatment, these masters of the dramatic know how to get what they want from most any audience. 

Jesus never played the drama king. He spoke truth, never exaggeration. He held his tongue, but never gave the silent treatment. He stayed on script by saying and doing only what the Father told Him to say or do. He didn't try to draw a crowd, but His genuine love, His gentle demeanor, and His gracious behavior drew one legitimately. He sought no glory, but deferred any adoration He did receive to the Father. And He never manipulated His audience, still doesn't. He's the real thing.

So here's the lesson for us today.

Beware drama kings and queens. They do not deserve your respect, your homage, your adoration. Be careful who you give those precious things to. They're good at what they do. And it's very easy for us to be suckered into a good show. That's the magic of the stage, as they say. So close the curtains on any performances by drama kings or queens and keep your focus on the King of kings instead. And when you're wondering whose lead to follow, ask yourself this question. Is this just a grand performance by a thespian of sorts? Or is this person bearing the character traits of Christ?

Be careful who you follow, dear ones. It's really important. Not everyone deserves your allegiance, even if they put on a persuasive show.
