It's amazing how quickly discouragement can set in, isn't it? I can be having a perfectly blissful day, humming right along, and out of nowhere discouragement taps me on the shoulder, whispers in my ear, and settles into my mind and heart. Before I know it, I'm sunk.
But I have a choice in such disturbing moments. I can go with those feelings of sadness, weariness, frailty, and hopelessness, or I can steady myself and push the lies aside with truth.
Jesus said He is the truth. He also said the truth will set me free. Indeed, many times over the years, truth has rescued me from the bondage of Satan's lies.
When discouragement settles in it's because we have chosen to believe the lies of the enemy, even if those lies are seemingly harmless and small. Friend, no lie is small and insignificant. Even the "smallest" lie has the ability to cripple me, hold me back, or crush my spirit.
I think the predominant lie we're believing when we grow discouraged is that God is not for us. We believe He has forgotten us, overlooked our circumstance, grown cold toward us or even angry, removed His love from us, or just neglected to get involved. Those are all lies.
Jeremiah 29:11-14 says,
For I know the thoughts that
I think toward you,
says the Lord,
thoughts of peace and not of evil,
to give you a future and a hope.
Then you will call upon Me
and go and pray to Me,
and I will listen to you.
And you will seek Me and find Me,
when you search for Me
with all your heart,
I will be found by you,
says the Lord.
These beautiful, hopeful words remind us that God is for us, not against us. He is constantly working on our behalf, forever thinking of us, diligently working all things together for our good.
At times we feel as though He has forsaken us because circumstances are impossibly tough. We reason that if God were for us He would fix things, rescue us, relieve us of our pain and discomfort. But that's not necessarily true.
Often God allows us to walk through difficult days by His grace because He knows that is the very path that leads to a better place, a place of intimacy with Him, deep and abiding joy, and eventual victory. He may not alleviate our pain and struggles, but He is still working things for our best in the midst of them.
If you have grown discouraged today, consider what lies you may be allowing yourself to believe. Read the Word of God and find the truths that counter those fibs from Satan. And cling to the truth. It will set you free and put a song back in your heart. God is for you, friend, and if God is for you nothing else matters.