Are You the New Girl in Town?

This time of year our town plays fruit basket turnover. We're a military town, so folks leave (boo hoo!) and new folks move in (hip hip hooray!). Now I've done my share of moving as a pastor's wife, but my four moves (plus a few local house switches) don't begin to compare to the multiple moves these families make. I really can't imagine. Can you?

While starting fresh in a new place definitely has its benefits (you can break in a new hair style, new glasses or a new name!), being the new girl in town (especially over and over and over) can also take a toll. And being "new in town" isn't the only way to be new, is it?

Any time now, we could find ourselves being the new girl at work, the fresh face in a women's Bible study, the new mom in a circle of friends, new to a church, or even new to a Bunco club or zumba group.

New is good, fresh, fun, adventurous.

But new is also a little scary, intimidating, hard, lonely.

After watching the gals who come into my Bible study, MOPS group or church as newbies each year, I've learned a few tips for navigating "new" well. I thought I'd share those with you today in hopes that as we step out of our comfort zones and venture into unknown territory -- whether it be at the gym, the church, the neighborhood,  the workplace or the community -- we'd do so with a little more confidence and success.
Have you been the new girl on the block recently? Where? What helped you make the transition? I'd really appreciate it if you'd share your experience or your tips in the comment section. 

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