Dare to Lead - Part One

Today I invite you to join me for the first of several discussions about strong, biblical leadership. 

Sometimes Christian ministry leaders shy away from leading with strength, authority, and courage because we've been taught that we're supposed to be "servant leaders." But while Scripture does indeed admonish us to lead through mutual submission, humility, service and grace (John 13:14), it also encourages us to take the mantle of leadership with boldness (Ephesians 6:20), confidence (2 Thessalonians 3:7,9), enthusiasm (1 Peter 5:2), power (2 Timothy 1:7), courage (Joshua 1:9), diligence (Romans 12:8) and, yes, authority (Romans 13:1).

Here's the key: As followers of Christ, our character should always reflect His character. The fruit of the Spirit should be just as ripe and juicy in our leadership style as it is in our behavior anywhere or any time else. But if we've been gifted for leadership by that same Holy Spirit and called into leadership by Christ, then we do the gifts and the calling an injustice when we wimp out as people-pleasers, status-quo-keepers, or yes-women. That's not to imply that we should ever operate in arrogance or force. In fact, the most consistent picture in Scripture of leadership is the role of the shepherd--one who leads gently and lovingly--and not the cattle driver--one who leads by compulsion and force. Still, even the shepherd exercises authority and strength.

So what's a gal to do? The bottom line is that we have to find a godly balance in our leadership. We have to exercise true leadership, but within the holy constraints of love, grace, and humility. No big deal, right? Hmm. You and I know that's not true! But it's a goal worth working toward.

Join me for the next several editions of Trail Talk as we look at a few of the necessary components of strong, biblical leadership. It's my hope that these conversations would encourage us to take up the mantle of leadership afresh, with a renewed commitment to "lead well." I'm trying something new (and scary!). I'm producing a set of Trail Talk videos to launch this discussion. I invite you to watch and listen. But I also ask you to give me your feedback:

And hey! No laughing at the ridiculous freeze frame YouTube blessed me with below!  


How important do you think it is to cast a vision for those on your team or in your organization? What are some of the ways you go about finding that vision?

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