The Summit You've Climbed This Week

As the week comes to a close and you look back behind you, may you see success in your tracks. May you measure the pinnacles you climbed and find, while they may not appear as high in hindsight, they represent lessons well learned and character developed. May you gather the pebbles from your boots and resist tossing them aside, keeping them as reminders instead that thorns in our flesh serve a holy purpose far beyond the pain they inflict.

And as you catch your breath from the ascent and gather your wits again, may you look out from this summit and gasp with pleasure at the view below. May the landscape of the trails you've traversed serve as reminders of God's faithfulness and may the vistas in the distance tell the story of from whence you have come.

Have you grown? Have you changed? Even a little? Perhaps a Word of truth from the Holy Book has navigated you back to the ancient paths, where the good way is. Perhaps you indeed found rest for your weary, struggling soul when you set your feet squarely on that path once more.

And maybe you encountered other heaven bound travelers along the way this week who cheered you, lifted your gaze, encouraged you onward, or offered you helpful directions. Look back their way once more, sojourner, before you journey on, and thank them. And while you're at it, thank God for them.

May your weekend be filled with new journeys, relaxation, refreshing springs, and sweet camaraderie. And may we meet back up on the trail next week so we can continue on this sacred journey, hand in hand, on the path less traveled.

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