Toto May Not be in Kansas Anymore, but...

I am! I'm presenting the Last Conference at Olathe Bible Church in Olathe, KS, this Friday and Saturday. And I'd be amiss not to ask you to pray for me and for those who'll be attending. Oh, how we need your prayers! God answers prayer, you know. He hears and heeds and handles and hastens!

So as I fly off to Kansas, I'm asking you to speak to the Father on my behalf.

Would you ask God for me to be able to speak, yes, the "same old" message I've spoken dozens of times now, with a fresh fervor and a compassionate heart? (If I speak wisdom and knowledge and soul-satisfying truth, but don't have love, I'm like a noisy gong! Ouch!) I'm passionate about the Last message and I can honestly think of nothing better to present to any group of women in the United States. Not only that, but it seems to resonate powerfully wherever I share it. So I'm all for feeding as many people as possible from this same supernatural, satisfying manna, but, heavens, I don't ever want to pass out stale bread! So ask God to give me a fresh word for these dear women. They deserve nothing less.

I've been praying all week for the women of Olathe and the surrounding area who will be attending the conference. I'm asking God to give them a distinct dissatisfaction, an "insatiable" hunger. I don't want anyone to miss the gist of these messages because they "think" they are full, but all they really have consumed is the sugary, unhealthy offerings of this world. I want them to feel dissatisfied and hungry as they enter the church Friday night and as we approach God's Word on satisfaction this weekend. Will you echo my prayers?

And of course, I'm always thankful for prayers for traveling safety and such. But mainly I just want God to bless, to convict, to challenge, to console, and to bring seasons of refreshing. I don't overrate what I bring to the table on these weekends, but I also do not minimize what God is capable of doing. Lives can be changed, souls can be won, families can be restored, holy passions can be ignited. And God can be glorified.

Not to us, O Lordnot to us
But to Your name give glory 
Because of Your lovingkindness, 
because of Your truth.
Psalm 115:1

Thank you for your prayers!

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