How to Resist the Urge to...?

Still struggling with giving into the carnal urges to gossip, criticize, defend yourself, etc.? Me, too. Let's face it. Until we get to heaven it's going to be a daily battle. 

But it's not one we have to fight alone.

Today we take a brief break from the usual format of this series. Instead of me giving you a scripture, prayer and some 1,2,3s for a specific urge we're trying to resist, I want to back up and remind us all of where the follow-through has to come from.

Whether you've realized you have a critical spirit, your conversations are all full of gossip, you get on the defensive too easily and too often, or your friends are steering clear of you because you argue too much, we all have (or at least ought to have!) something we're working on so we'll be more Christlike. The Bible says we all sin and fall short of God's glory. But, hey, while we may slip up and say or do the wrong thing occasionally, we don't want to fall captive to a habitual attitude or action that is contrary to godliness.

While I think I've offered you some sound, biblical principles and practical tips for resisting some of the common urges we so often give into, I think it's important to remember that we can't do anything good or worthy on our own power. That's what I call taking the path paved with good intentions, and it usually leads nowhere.

In order for me to live victoriously over the power of sin and temptation in my life, I'll need to cling to and truly absorb some crucial truths from God's Word. These are life-changing, character-transforming and abundant-living pre-conditions that have to be met before we'll ever truly and consistently resist those urges on an ever-increasing basis.

So here's what I suggest: Read over each of these biblical principles and really meditate on them. Ask yourself if you believe them in the core of your being. In other words, examine your life and see if you're living in the light of them or if you've just assented to them with your head, but not your heart. If or when you come across one that challenges you, turn to the accompanying scripture in God's Word, write it on an index card and begin to meditate on it daily, every day, for a long, long time. In fact, memorize it. I'm convinced that nothing changes us from the inside out like truly absorbing God's truth through meditation and memorization!

Here goes! 

To resist the urge...

Surely there is more we could add to this list of preconditions, but the bottom line is this. You can't live a self-disciplined, holy life on your own. No chance. But as we grow in relationship with the Living God, we can change. We truly can. And we can resist. Why? Because God is for us. He wants us to grow and be victorious and do right. And when we cooperate with Him from the inside out, He who began a good work in us will bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6)!

What biblical conditions help you to live victoriously and resist the urge? Which of these principles I've listed here do you need to meditate on until it completely soaks in and transforms you? I'd love to know!

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