But Really You're All Winners!

It's prize day, and unfortunately I can only give three of them today. But really, in my book, you're all winners. You have no idea how much I appreciate you subscribing to Off the Beaten Path! And tomorrow I will get back to posting a little more regularly so you'll have something in your inbox besides my efforts at publicity.

But today I want to announce that the three winners are:

Starbuck's Gift card - Erla Wilson

iTunes Gift Card - Linda Burford

Willow Tree figurines - Angie Clayton

Gals, I need you email addresses and mailing addresses.

And yes, I used the random integer finder thingy to come up with the winners. But, like I said, you're all winners to me and I wish, oh I wish, I could give you all a prize...or at least a hug!

And don't forget, the ebook will continue to be available to subscribers for free. It's my gift to anyone who's willing to give me a little place in their inbox each week. Thanks so much!