Fall Family Fun

Perhaps one of the reasons I favor autumn so much over the other seasons is because some of my most treasured memories include family outings in the crisp cool air of fall. Fall just says family to me. What about you?

My fall favorites include trips to the North Georgia mountains to see the seasonal foliage, bonfires in my family's picked-clean garden, football games where my parents came to see me march in the band, camping trips, and, later on, tailgating parties before University of Georgia football games. For the most part, at least in my memories, the air was crisp and cool, the soundtrack was filled with laughter and crackling fires, and the taste buds were delighted by delicacies containing especially autumnal ingredients like caramel and apple and cinnamon and pumpkin.

So, as we enter into the fall months and pray for fall-like weather, I thought I'd offer a few potential autumn outings you might enjoy with your family, depending on your location, stage in life, and personal preferences, of course. And as you enjoy one or any of these little suggestions be sure to praise the Lord for the wealth and warmth of family and His beautiful creation during this magical time of year.

What do you like to do with your family during the crisp, cool days of fall? I'd love to know! 

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