I'm Turning 50! and 50 Golden Memories that Define Me

So I’m turning fifty this year. The big day is fast approaching, in fact. I have spent most of my 49th year dreading this birthday.

 I never thought I’d be one to dread the golden birthday so much. But, alas, it has about eaten my lunch.

Until recently. In recent weeks I’ve taken a new approach toward my 50th birthday. I’ve decided to proactively welcome it rather than nervously dread it. I liken it to the difference between being victimized by an unwelcomed intruder and flinging the doors open with a hearty and well-prepared welcome, complete with flowers on the table and dinner in the oven, for a long anticipated guest.

My 50th birthday, from here on out, will be treated like a special guest for which I am putting out the red carpet.

That said, today I give you one of what will (hopefully) be seven or eight Lists of Gold. I will post one such list each Sunday leading up to the big day. I’m just kicking this thing off with a hair brain idea, so I’m not really sure what the other lists will be, but I think you can look forward to things like:

You get the idea. It’s all gold. And it’s all my effort of setting the table and putting on the Ritz for my big golden day, so that it doesn’t show up all unexpected and unwelcomed and leave me all undone!

Here we go:

50 Golden Memories that Define Me

during childhood...
during adolescence...

 during the teens...

 in college...

as an adult...
Whew! That was fun...at least for me. Join me again next weekend as I prepare to welcome my 50th birthday with 50 Golden Moments I Treasure.

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