Which Way Should I Go? - God's Answer

 God's Answers

Are you at a crossroads? Occasionally we come upon a divide in the road. And really we have mutliple choices.

We can turn left or right. We can try, against all probability, to stand still. Or we can turn back in fear or out of a longing for the familiar.

And in such instances we want so badly to get it right. We put pressure on ourselves to choose wisely, and sometimes we feel stress from without to make the correct choice as well.

In those seasons we just want someone to tell us already: Which way should I go?

Sometimes we ask God; other times we don't dare...perhaps out of fear of His answer? Perhaps because we don't think we can.

Well today I'm asking Him that question for you.

And He has an answer. I found it in Psalm 27. You can read this powerful reflection from David here.

How can you find God's will for your life? Or better yet, for your day? How can you know which way to go?

Seek Him.

Quit seeking the direction, and seek Him instead.

According to Psalm 27, that means I'll need to:

When Thou didst say, "Seek My face,"
my heart said to Thee,
"Thy face, O Lord, I shall seek."

When we ask "Where?" God says, "Right here...in Me."

Whatever you may be wrestling with today, whatever decision you may need to make, whatever crossroads you have come upon...the answer can be found in Him. Maybe not instantaneously...but still, more than likely in an instant. In a single,unlikely, unexpected instant...when you're just sitting there enjoying your Holy God's presence...when you're whispering His praises...when you're reflecting on who He is. When you've drawn close and lost yourself in His goodness and grace...you'll suddenly know.

And you will have found your answer...in Him.

What answers are you seeking today? Instead, seek Him. Praise Him for who He is. Spend time in His presence. Find Him in His Word. Talk to Him. Listen to Him. Wait before Him.

 God's Answers Series

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