Weekend Playlist Pick

Wet paint. That pretty much sums up what I feel like today. A work in progress...never quite complete...always becoming.

"Keep making me, Lord."

That's one of those prayers we pray with bold hesitation. We want His wise and skillful hands to mold us, but we flinch at the thought of all that means. We trust His tender and artistic touch, but we tremble beneath it too.

Still, we pray, "Lord, keep making me...until I'm more...until I'm all You meant for me to be."

And while it feels uncomfortable and a little scary to pray such a vulnerable request, we can trust Him. He knows what He is doing.

This weekend's playlist pick is:

Keep Making Me by Sidewalk Prophets
Great lyrics, great group. And this time, a great video. You'll love the animation and the paint!

What are you listening to while you run or walk?

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