Well I'm taking a new path today. For a couple of months now I've had a wonderful, smart web designer creating me a new look at a new address. Talented Erin Ulrich is taking Off the Beaten Path Ministries to kayharms.com!!
You'll notice that my new site still contains a blog, but it's not necessarily the featured element. I decided I needed to feature my books and speaking potential instead. But the blog is still there. And we're not skipping a beat. There will be a new blog post in the Healing Words series Wednesday morning.
I encourage you to look around the new site and make yourself at home there. It really feels like home to me because I've been playing around with it for a couple of weeks myself. I think you'll love the wide open spaces, the modern feel and the fresh look.
If you haven't already subscribed to receive my blog posts in your email box, now is the time to do that. You'll see the place to do that in the right margin of the Blog page. You know I don't post that often--usually a couple of times a week--so I won't be crowding your inbox. But this is the best way to keep up with me and make sure you're getting the encouraging words I'm offering.
I do appreciate you, dear reader. And I'd love it if you would use this opportunity to share my new site with friends...on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter...you name it.
Let's make it a real housewarming party!
By the way... You landed here today through the offthebeatenpathministries.com address, but in a day or two that address will also redirect you to my new kayharms.com site. I hope you take this new path with me.