Satisfied at Last Conferences on the Road

I'm taking deep breaths and trying to get my bearings between conferences these days! It has been a whirlwind of excitement at Off the Beaten Path Ministries lately and God has been so good to bless mightily.

Satisfied at Last Conference in Tucson

Three weeks ago I had the honor of getting to know a marvelous group of ladies at Mountain View Baptist Church in Tucson, Arizona, where we had a one-day Last Conference. Their coordinator, Diana Mercer, put together a lovely event and women of all ages showed up excited and enthusiastic about flipping the pages of their Bibles in search for a little meat. Because that's what we do at a Last Conference, you know. We really get into God's Word and see what He has to say about satisfying our hungry and thirsty souls.

Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
and your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, 
and eat what is good,
and delight yourself in abundance.
(Isaiah 55:2)

I have been kicking myself blue in the shins for not taking any pictures at Mountain View Baptist. Those ladies deserve to be in lights! But that's what happens when I don't have my assistant with me... I didn't get a single photo of that marvelous day. But trust me when I say that those ladies had their noses in their Bibles, except when we were singing songs to the Lord. Then they had their mouths open wide with sweet praises, filling that auditorium with the sounds of joy and satisfaction. 

One of the ladies at Mountain View and her team had cooked us up an Italian feast for lunch. It was delicious and the hospitality was sweet. I enjoyed sitting at lunch and visiting with some of the ladies. Meeting new people, hearing their stories, and sharing in their lives is definitely one of the most precious blessings of ministering to women through these conferences and retreats. I am always so amazed to hear what God is up to in other peoples' lives.

We wrapped up that conference as I do all of the Last conferences: with a verbal pledge of commitment to put what we have learned into practice. Several of the ladies have since asked for copies of that pledge so I'm including it in this blog post. Ladies from Bellevue, Washington, this was your pledge as well. I'll post about my experiences at your amazing church tomorrow.

But here's what I want to close with before I give you the pledge. I want to express my deepest gratitude to the women's ministry leaders of these churches for inviting me to share in your ministry. I am well aware that God is already working in your midst and doing great things in your churches and communities before I ever show up on your property. I am just thankful to come your way, get to share in the blessings of God's work, and join hands with you in reaching women for Christ and sharing God's Word in a fresh and relevant way. I am a witness to the fact that you are serving well, God is pouring out His blessings on those who seek Him, and your women are being well fed by your ministry. Thank you for allowing me to come alongside you in ministry. You are precious. Last Pledge of Commitment

"The Word of God is living and powerful.
It is able to feed my soul like nothing else.
I may have dug cisterns in my land of blessing
And turned my back on the Fountain of Living Water,
but no more.
I'm going to taste and see that the Lord is good.
I'm going to eat His Word day and night.
And allow Him to satisfy my soul completely.
His Word will satisfy my hungry soul...
In an uncommon and supernatural way.
And I will say,
'Your words were found
And I ate them.
Your words became a delight to me
And the joy of my heart.
For I am called by Your name.'
I am a daughter of the King
And I am taking my place at the King's table
And feasting on every word
That proceeds from His mouth,
For it is my daily bread.
And I'm drinking from the Fountain of Living Waters,
So I will never thirst again.
And I will tell my world
And show my world
What it looks like
to be a woman who is Last!"

If you'd like to know more about the Last conferences, please contact me through my contact button. Or if you'd like to begin your own journey toward soul satisfaction, consider getting the 6-week Bible study by the same name or the devotional guide, A Taste of Satisfaction. You can get them both through clicking on the By Kay button of this blog or by clicking here.

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