I'm Not in Kansas Anymore...

But the Lord is still at work there! To tell you the truth, a few things were hard going about this trip to Olathe, Kansas. It's a good thing you were praying me through. One of my flights was cancelled last Thursday on the way to Kansas, and on the return trip I missed my connection in Chicago because the first plane was late. I had to spend the night in Chicago and catch a plane home on Sunday! Whew!


The women discussing the first session over snacks Friday evening.
But despite the travel bugs, God was so good to top off the weekend with His presence and His power. The women of Olathe Bible Church and Westbrooke Church, as well as their guests, received the message of Satisfied...at Last with humility, receptiveness, and even repentance. They ate it up, to put it succinctly!

The gifted worship team leading us in singing praises.
And to God be all the glory. As I always say, I am just one hungry but satisfied woman telling as many other hungry women as possible where they too can find ample satisfaction for their souls. Just one hungry beggar sharing the bread she's found with any hungry soul who will listen.

Me and Kim laughing with Ruth, the women's ministry director.
I'd like to thank Angie Clayton, Olathe Bible Church's women's ministry events coordinator, and Julie Phillips, Westbrooke's counterpart, for offering me the opportunity to speak God's Word to their women. These two ladies, along with their team of helpers, put together a humdinger of a conference weekend. They had the two-day event covered in prayer and they worked together to bless the ladies of their respective churches with a special event.

Angie Clayton, myself, Kim and Ruth
I'd also like to thank Ruth Cowles, Olathe Bible Church's women's ministry director. Ruth is a wise and strong leader for the women of her church, offering them counsel, guidance, biblical teaching, and a godly example. She was so encouraging to me.

Kim at the brunch hosted by Angie Clayton Friday morning.

I always enjoy opportunities like these to sit around
the table with other women in ministry and hear their hearts.
Tammy, a new friend in Christ, is beside me here.
The more I travel and present these simple but very practical messages of how God alone can truly satisfy our hungry souls, the more I realize that indeed we are all very, very hungry. If you know of someone who would benefit from hearing these messages, won't you consider ordering them the Satisfied...at Last! Conference CD set? You could even listen for yourself first and then pass it onto a friend, daughter, or daughter-in-law and promise to discuss it after she's listened. I hear it's a great discussion starter for some serious and life-changing conversations.

Women in line to receive one of the most yummy lunches
I've ever had at a conference.

Paulette Shilling, our wonderful book table helper. She could sell the
tablecloth right from under the books! What a terrific and sweet
sales lady! I need her everywhere I go!
Have you been a part of a women's retreat or Bible conference this spring? What did you enjoy most about it? Do share!

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