It's Time to Hit the Trail Again...

I'm hitting the trail every weekend in April to share the Last message with hundreds of hungry women. Will you join me in praying for these three Bible conferences and one luncheon? I'd love to know that you are praying for me, the women conducting the events, and the women in attendance.

Today I'll share where I'll be the weekend of April 5-7, and in a few days I'll ask you to pray for the next conference, and so on...

First I'll be flying to Dallas, Texas, where I'll be doing a weekend retreat for the ladies of Frisco Bible Church.

Please pray for Jen, their women's ministry director, and Lynn, the event coordinator, as they take care of last minute details and make sure everything is in place for this packed weekend. But most importantly I hope you'll join me in prayer for each woman who is attending. I'm praying for God to already be at work in their lives, showing them where they've dug dry, empty cisterns in their land of blessing and giving them an unquenchable thirst and insatiable hunger for Him. I'm also praying for God's Holy Spirit to have free reign among us that weekend, so He can convict, comfort, and guide us into all truth. I'm praying that while conviction is given heed, condemnation will have no room. And I'm praying the women will walk away refreshed and rejuvenated from a weekend away from home, but also equipped with a mighty and sustainable tool for being a satisfied woman.

Of course, I need your prayers as well. Please pray for good health! You may remember I had a terrible stomach virus during the last retreat I spoke at, and, while God was good and got me through, I'd rather not go through that ordeal again!

Also pray for me to communicate clearly, to speak only from God's Word, to be sensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit, and to serve well. I am so humbled, as always, at the opportunity to open God's Word and teach these ladies from it. Please pray that I will fulfill my purpose at this retreat and God would receive all and A LOT of glory! Pray for me to be a worthy and fit vessel, to find the time to pray throughout the retreat, to balance my time well between quiet preparation and full participation with the women to whom I've been called to minister. There's nothing I love more than getting to play and pray and visit with the precious ladies at these events, but I also know I need time to quietly prepare. Please pray for me to strike that healthy balance.

Finally, pray for me to speak with love. If I have the gift of teaching and prophecy, but no love, I'll sound like a gonging cymbal. Now we wouldn't want that, would we? Still, pray for me to be courageous and forthright.

I've never before asked for prayers before these events on this blog. Who in the world knows why not! But it finally struck me to ask for your prayer support, so I'm counting on you whispering up at least a petition or two on our part. And it would do my heart no end of  good if you'd even leave me a comment letting me know that you're praying. And I bet the ladies of Frisco Bible Church would appreciate it, too!

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